Wesley Powell

Wesley Powell acquired a passion for bikes and bike riding, of many types, at a young age. He started dirt bike and motor cycle racing before he entered his teens and later went on to spend many years as a road cyclist and mountain trail enthusiast. Besides bike riding, Wesley has acquired a strong interest in alternative energy solutions and has taken the initiative to produce his own solutions over the years. 

After spending the majority of his career running his business, "Independent Green Construction," he has decided to retire, settle down, and take back up his passion for bike riding and alternative energy. Like many others, Wesley has been experiencing the effects of inflation, such as the increase in gas prices, the mass migration of people from larger cities to smaller ones, and the increase in traffic in the smaller cities. 

Wesley's passions for bike riding, alternative energy solutions, and desire to help others overcome some of the rising challenges of today have prompted him to form "ECO E-Bikes LLC", by which he plans to share his love of bike riding and make electric bike transportation more accessible.

How Can We Help You Today?

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